(609) 921-8100
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GMS Group Logo

The GMS Group

Data Processing/Securities Reporting

The GMS Group first turned to BrightSoftware when they needed to outsource their securities software technology needs. We helped them convert legacy Classic ASP applications to .NET. Additional new software applications and assistance with maintaining their complex daily processing environment keeps their business operations on track.

Bond Trading System Background


For more than four decades, The GMS Group has continuously augmented and refined their research, trading expertise, relationships, experience and resources to provide quality municipal and tax-free municipal bonds to High-Net-Worth investors. In addition to these types of bonds, GMS provides a full range of investment products and services that fixed-income investors can utilize to meet their overall financial objectives.

Data processing and reporting systems play a critical role in the firm’s daily business.

Financial Reporting Challenge


When BrightSoftware was first introduced to The GMS Group they were looking to outsource their software needs to a third party provider who was knowledgeable, reliable and had a proven track record in the software technology industry. We met their criteria and since then we established a long lasting relationship.

Our Work with custom reporting systems

Our Work

BrightSoftware was able to assist THE GMS Group by creating new software applications that fit their business needs and we successfully converted their legacy Classic ASP applications to .NET. We are continuously helping The GMS Group manage their daily processing and reporting systems.

Technology Custom Intranet Software




✔ GMS gained a more modern, reliable, scalable .Net system to track critical business information.

✔ Other enhancements helped eliminate bottlenecks with daily workflow issues.

✔ Automated processes that used to consume a lot of time for employees


Take a look at more examples of our work.
Joseph Fazzio Custom Phone App
Computex Custom Property Management Software
Paul Reed Custom Construction Software
ERP Software
Vollers Project Management Software WIP